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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Diabetes - America’s Unknown Epedemic

by: Tom


Diabetes alters the way your body uses food. The food you eat turns to sugar. Your blood takes this sugar throughout your body. Insulin assists in getting the sugar from the blood into the body to provide the energy your body needs. With diabetes your body does not get the fuel it needs, and your blood sugar stays high. High blood sugar can cause heart and kidney problems, blindness, stroke, the loss of a foot or leg, or even death.

However,you can manage diabetes. Be careful what you eat and get enough exercise, use medications wisely and check your blood sugar often.

There are two types of Diabetes.

Type 1 - The body does not produce any natural insulin. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 - The body does not make enough insulin, or use insulin well. The most prevalent type of diabetes is Type 2.

There is no specific diet for people with diabetes. Work with your doctor to come up with a plan that works for you. You can continue to consume your favorite foods by watching size of the portions.

The foods we eat are made up of: Carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, breads, juices, milk, cereals and desserts) fats,protein,cholesterol,
fiber (fruits, vegetables, beans, breads, and cereals).

Carbohydrates are the the biggest factor and most responsible for raising your blood sugar. Reading the Nutrition Facts label provided on food packaging can help to determine the number of carbohydrates in each serving.  You should be aware that most pre-packaged foods contain more than one serving. You can multiply the number of carbohydrates times five to determine the number of calories per serving. The resulting number suprises most people who don’t realize that they are consuming many more calories than they imagine.

You must maintain an exercise program. Try to be active at least 30 minutes a day for 4-5 days of the week. Even moderate exercise helps your body’s insulin work better. It will also lower your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and your cholesterol.

People with diabetes usually need to take medication or administer a shot of insulin each day. Be sure to follow the medications directions explicitly.
Check with your your doctor or pharmacist and ask them what your medication does, when to take them, and if you can expect any side effects.

Check Your Blood Sugar

You can help prevent heart disease and stroke by controlling your blood sugarlevel, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Check your blood sugar using a glucose meter (home testing kit) available by prescription from your doctor. The glucose meter tells what level your blood sugar is so you can make intelligent choices about your diet, determining which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.

Consult with your doctor about getting an A-1-C (A-onesee) blood test. This test measures blood sugar levels over 2-3 month period.

Most people with diabetes do not notice any signs of the disease. It is estimated the there are over 3 million people in the USA with diabetes that are unaware they have the disease.

Visit our website to keep up to date on news and information to help you with your diabetes.
About Author: provides important information on managing and detecting diabetes. Visit our website at All About Diabetes
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